The Ts & Cs
Payments/refunds and stuff :)
Teacher Trainee agreement
- By reading this, upon enrolment, you are agreeing to these terms.
- A level of commitment is required if you are embarking on a yoga teacher training. You'll be given homework to complete, usually in the form of writing sequences to teach the following session, or a written assignment, or simply to watch a few online videos, and you will be expected to complete this. If you do have concerns, or feel overwhelmed, please contact Ambika on [email protected].
- The studio should be respected at all times. No shoes can be worn in the studio space.
- Lying down during lectures is not permitted. If you get tired, please make your way to the back of the room and stand for the duration of the lecture.
- Drink can be taken into the lectures, however food should be eaten on breaks only. There's a small kitchen area, and fridge where you can store your lunch.
- We offer an inclusive and safe training for everybody. Bullying of any nature will not be tolerated. If you have any concerns with a fellow student, trainer or staff member, please email Ambika on [email protected], if your concern is with Ambika, please email us on [email protected] and a third party will be arranged to mediate.